Announcement on the Board of Directors' resolution to establish the Sustainable Development Committee

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Announcement on the Board of Directors' resolution to establish the Sustainable Development Committee

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Company code: 6285
No: 2
Subject: Announcement on the Board of Directors' resolution to establish the Sustainable Development Committee
To which item it meets--article 4 paragraph xx: 6

Date of events: 2024/11/06

  • Date of occurrence of the change: 2024/11/06
  • Name of the functional committees: Sustainable Development Committee
  • Name of the previous position holder: N/A
  • Resume of the previous position holder: N/A
  • Name of the new position holder:
    1. Haydn Hsieh
    2. Rosie Yu
    3. T. Y. Lay
    4. Jeffrey Gau
    5. Apollo Shyong
    6. Amy Hsu
    7. Jona Song
  • Resume of the new position holder:
    1. Haydn Hsieh: Chairman & CSO of Wistron NeWeb Corp.
    2. Rosie Yu: Independent Director of Wistron NeWeb Corp.
    3. T. Y. Lay: Independent Director of Wistron NeWeb Corp.
    4. Jeffrey Gau: President & CEO of Wistron NeWeb Corp.
    5. Apollo Shyong: General Plant Manager of Wistron NeWeb Corp.
    6. Amy Hsu: Chief Supply Chain Officer of Wistron NeWeb Corp.
    7. Jona Song: Chief Financial Officer & Corporate Governance Officer of Wistron NeWeb Corp.
  • Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”, “term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”): New appointment
  • Reason for the change: Establishment of WNC's Sustainable Development Committee
  • Original term (from __________ to __________): N/A
  • Effective date of the new member: 2024/11/06
  • Any other matters that need to be specified: None